'With Wild Hope, our best lives
are found.'
Dr. Laurie Scarce, Psy.D. MFT
(Counsellor / Psychotherapist)
Wild Hope Counselling and Consulting
Ph: 0436 333 603 / Email: drlauriescarce@gmail.com

Guiding You Towards Better Mental Health & Your Best Life
There are many different things that can affect an individual’s mental health as well as family, relationship, and organisational health. It is challenging to go through issues that are complex and difficult to understand without a professional’s help. At other times it may be that professional therapy and counselling services offer the extra support and guidance you need in reaching your full potential, making life decisions, developing your relationships, or simply to take a daring leap towards living your best and authentic life!
I am a registered psychotherapist, counsellor, certified play and creative arts therapist along with also being a clinical supervisor, and consultant specialising in resilience. In having lived and studied around the world in many cultures, whilst also understanding rural and remote living and practice, I offer online services including e-counselling, phone and video sessions via distance therapy, self-mastery sessions, clinical supervision and consulting services Australia-wide.

Clinical Supervision (Counsellors, Psychotherapists, & Play Therapists)
- Psychotherapy
- Counselling
- Therapy / Process-Orientated Sessions for Clinicians
- Play Therapy
- Expressive / Creative Arts Therapy
- Sand Tray Therapy
- Meditation Sessions
- Individual Counselling & Psychotherapy
- Self-Mastery Sessions
- Marriage & Relationship Counselling
- Family Counselling
- Child & Youth Counselling & Psychotherapy
- Parenting Support and Coaching Sessions
- Relationship Tune-Up Sessions
- Mindfulness Training
- Consulting & Training
- Coaching
- Executive Support and Development
- Executive Debriefing Sessions
- Organisational Change & Culture
Often, the first step in asking for help can be overwhelming and not the easiest one to take. It is also expected that you may simply be feeling confused or not knowing which direction to turn next. Below is a comprehensive list, outlining some of the issues or problems therapy and counselling can help address and help you navigate through. Alternatively, you may have specific goals your want to work towards - in which case we can work together to do so.
As every person is unique, I offer a free half-hour phone or video consultation in which we can discuss your therapeutic hopes and goals; whilst mapping out a plan for treatment and/or services. Feel free to send a message below to get in touch.
I aim to offer fair services to all my clients. In addition to standard fees, I offer a limited number of sliding scale appointment slots for those in exceptional circumstances by negotiation. Please contact me for a confidential chat regarding the services you require and fee schedules.